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Home School Agreement


Being Ready and Prepared For School

We will:

  • Work in partnership with you to ensure children maintain the Christian ethos of the school.
  • Expect parents to read regularly with their children and practise spellings
  • Expect parents to work in partnership with the school to ensure pupils reach basic levels of English and maths proficiency, including practising tables and simple calculations at home.
  • Inform our pupils when they need PE kit and other equipment.
  • Expect our pupils to wear school uniform in accordance with the school policy.


We will:

  • Encourage and expect good school attendance.
  • Encourage and expect punctuality.
  • Expect parents not to take children out of school for holidays in term time
  • Apply the school policy to requests for authorised absence.
  • Request parent/carer to provide an explanation for all absences*

Pastoral Care:

Children learn best when they are happy and secure. We will ensure that:

  • There is always someone in school who will listen and respond to concerns parents/carers may have about situations affecting a pupil's life in school.
  • Information will be given as soon as possible about any disruption expected to normal class routine (e.g. planned or prolonged staff absence).


We will:

  • Provide well-planned lessons.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Set appropriate work, including homework when relevant, and mark it consistently.
  • Encourage our pupils to read a wide range of materials.
  • Regularly assess our pupil's progress.
  • Aim to foster enjoyment of everything in school.

Links with School:

We will:

  • Prepare the school prospectus and keep it up to date.
  • Arrange parent/carer and teacher consultations.
  • Provide an annual written report relating to progress, attendance and punctuality for each pupil.
  • Provide curriculum information at the beginning of each term.
  • Set annual targets for each pupil in Mathematics and English.
  • Inform parents/carers of any concerns we may have about a pupil, as soon as possible.
  • Inform parents/carers about school events.


Being Ready For School:

I understand that the school expects me to:

  • Work in partnership with the school to ensure children maintain the Christian ethos of the school
  • To read regularly with their children and practise spellings
  • To work in partnership with the school to ensure pupils reach basic levels of English and maths proficiency, including practising tables and simple calculations at home
  • Provide a PE kit and other equipment as necessary.
  • Provide a school uniform in accordance with the school policy.


I understand that the law requires me to ensure that my child:

  • Attends school every day
  • Is punctual every day
  • Is absent only for authorised reasons or illness which must be covered by parent/carer explanation
  • Refrain from taking holidays in term time.

Pastoral Care:

Children learn best when they are happy and secure. I understand that:

  • Should there be circumstances which affect my child’s well-being, I am encouraged to share my concerns with an appropriate member of staff.


At school, children learn to get on with other people. I understand that parents and carers need to work together with the school to:

  • Encourage high standards of behaviour at all times.
  • Maintain the Christian ethos of the school
  • Encourage politeness and consideration towards other children and adults.
  • Support the school's Behaviour Policy*

School Life:

Everything that happens in school contributes to the way a child learns and matures. I understand that I have a responsibility to:

  • Take an interest in what my child does in school.
  • Read regularly with my child and practice their spellings
  • Work in partnership with the school to ensure my child reaches basic proficiency in English and Mathematics.
  • Support and encourage my child in all activities, including homework.
  • Help my child to be happy, and to enjoy school.

Links with school:

The school provides many opportunities for parents/carers and teachers to get together. I understand that my child will benefit when I:

  • Read the school prospectus and act upon its information.
  • Attend parent/carer and teacher consultations.
  • Read letters from school and reply when necessary.
  • Support school events.

Contact Us

St Stephen's CofE First School,
Mabey Avenue,
B98 8HW

01527 63911